Julie Elliott-Eickenroth is Available for Speaking Opportunities

sharing the skills of the heart
for a vibrant, healthy life

Julie Eickenroth, founder of HeartSkills™ Facilitated Personal Growth Studies and HeartSkills™ Coaching, is a passionate speaker with availability and experience to speak at conferences and workshops. Topics include Ms. Elliott-Eickeroth’s personal testimony of recovery from suicidal depression, the pain and power of toxic judgments, how to achieve healthy relationships and biblical conflict resolution, what healthy Christianity looks like, managing life well with love and hope in these intense times, and more.

Topics for keynote address or conference/workshop teachings:

  • Personal testimony of successful recovery from suicidal depression

  • The Woman with the Issue of Blood (Scripture teaching linked with personal testimony)

  • What does healthy church look like?

  • The Pain and Power of Toxic Judgments (and how to break completely free)

  • Hope is a Person

  • Love Enough for the Last Days (Hint: “It’s not about timelines, it’s about finish lines.”)

  • The Three Triunes: Biblical models for healthy relationships

  • The Story of the Garden of Eden (Adam and Eve are you and me)

  • God is a Relational God: Creation models for growth, identity and relationship (Genesis 1,2 & 3)

  • Back to Eden deep mulch/no-till permaculture method of gardening

  • Creating a whole person environment to promote healing

  • Sex trafficking - what is it and what can I do about it? (In partnership with the Michigan Human Trafficking Task Force)

  • Additional talks related to topics above can be crafted to target your organization, group’s or event’s specific needs

Julie was a guest on the podcast, The Notice, with Susan Hoekstra.

Listen below:

Freedom Farm logo, a yellow sunflower line drawing.png

Julie would be delighted to come and speak to your church or organization.

Also available to give media interviews.